Endless Story
Endless Story
Yuna Ito
Endless Story
Yuna Ito
Yuna Ito
"Endless Story" is the first single released by Yuna Ito. This single was released under the name Reira starring Yuna Ito. "Endless Story" was used in the movie Nana in which Yuna played the character Reira Serizawa. "Endless Story" peaked at #2 on both the daily and weekly charts its first week, but in upcoming weeks it was able to hit #1 on the daily charts on multiple occasions, but was unable to reach #1 on the weekly charts. At the end of 2005, "Endless Story" was named the "Best Love Song of 2005" by the Oricon magazine. It also holds the record for the most downloaded debut song for a female artist. On 24 January 2007, according to an Oricon blog, "Endless Story was still charting, and at no.144 for that week, and now 471,099 copies are sold." This song has also a sample from Faith Hills "If Im Not In Love", which is clear on both songs verses, and similarities on "Endless Story"s English parts. Japanese singer Hideaki Tokunaga covered the song "Endless Story" on his 2007 album Vocalist 3. Saya Chang, a Taiwanese singer, covered "Endless Story" and renamed it "Xiang Nian Ni De Ge." Hong Kong singer, Janice Vidal also covered this song as Cloudy Vacation Yum Tin Gah Kay in her 2008 Cantonese album, Serving You. Download free Endless Story sheet music now!