VIPPlants vs. Zombies Grass Level BGM
VIPPlants vs. Zombies Grass Level BGM
Laura Shigihara
Plants vs. Zombies Grass Level BGM
Laura Shigihara
Laura Shigihara
Plants vs. Zombies Grass Level BGM is one of the soundtracks for Plants vs. Zombies which were composed by Laura Shigihara. It borrows elements from the pop music genre, as well as console chiptunes. Before the inception of Plants vs. Zombies, Fan asked Laura if she would like to compose the music for his next title after following her for some years. She accepted, owing to his creativity. Shigihara described the music as "macabre, yet goofy". Using the night stage as an example, she used a combination of "Big Band" and swing beats with "several haunting and serious melodies". The songs "Loonboon" and "Brainiac Maniac" were written towards the end of production. She stated that these were reactionary songs that she wrote to fit the feel of the game after having played through it twice. She tried to make the game have a Danny Elfman feel to it, while mixing in melodic tunes and funky beats. She describes a song early in the game, which uses marching band percussion and swing beats. She described another one which used techno beats with organic sounds. Shigihara also composed and performed the music video shown during the credits of the game, titled "Zombies on Your Lawn". "Plants vs. Zombies Grass Level BGM" is well known by people and if you like it, you can also download free Plants vs. Zombies Grass Level BGM sheet music to play with Everyone Piano. Just Enjoy It!