Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Charles Gounod
Ave Maria
Charles Gounod
Charles Gounod
Ave Maria is a popular and much-recorded setting of the Latin text Ave Maria, originally published in 1853 as Méditation sur le Premier Prélude de Piano de S. Bach. Ave Maria consists of a melody by the French Romantic composer Charles Gounod especially designed to be superimposed over the Prelude No. 1 in C major, BWV 846, from Book I of J.S. Bachs The Well-Tempered Clavier, written some 137 years earlier. Although published in instrumental versions and fitted to various texts during Gounods lifetime, the claim that he never wrote it appears to be literally true. Alongside Schuberts Ave Maria (another contrafactum), the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria has become a fixture at wedding masses, funerals and quinceañeras. There are many different instrumental arrangements including for violin and guitar, string quartet, piano solo, cello, and even trombones. Opera singers, such as Luciano Pavarotti, as well as choirs have recorded it hundreds of times during the twentieth century. Later in his career, Gounod composed an unrelated setting of Ave Maria for a four-part SATB choir. Meanwhile, here we provide Ave Maria Stave, hope you like it!