Gloomy Sunday-Hungarian Suicide Song
Gloomy Sunday-Hungarian Suicide Song
Rezs? Seress
Gloomy Sunday-Hungarian Suicide Song
Rezs? Seress
Rezs? Seress
Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday, also known as the "Hungarian Suicide Song", is a song composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Rezs? Seress and published in 1933. The original lyrics were titled Vége a világnak (The world is ending) and were about despair caused by war, ending in a quiet prayer about peoples sins. PoetLászló Jávor wrote his own lyrics to the song, titled Szomorú vasárnap (Sad Sunday), in which the protagonist wants to commit suicide following his lovers death. The latter lyrics ended up becoming more popular while the former were essentially forgotten. The song was first recorded in Hungarian by Pál Kalmár in 1935. "Gloomy Sunday" was first recorded in English by Hal Kemp in 1936, with lyrics by Sam M. Lewis, and was recorded the same year by Paul Robeson, with lyrics by Desmond Carter. It became well-known throughout much of the English-speaking world after the release of a version by Billie Holiday in 1941. Lewiss lyrics referred to suicide, and the record label described it as the "Hungarian Suicide Song". There is a recurring urban legend which claims that many people have committed suicide while listening to this song. The Lyrics of Gloomy Sunday: Szomorú Vasárnap száz fehér virággal, Vártalak, kedvesem, templomi imával, Álmokat kerget? vasárnap délel?tt, Bánatom hintaja nélküled visszajött. Azóta szomorú mindig a vasárnap, Könny csak az italom, kenyerem a bánat... Szomorú vasárnap. Utolsó vasárnap, kedvesem, gyere el; Pap is lesz, koporsó, ravatal, gyászlepel, Akkor is virág vár, virág és - koporsó, Virágos fák alatt utam az utolsó. Nyitva lesz szemem, hogy még egyszer lássalak, Ne félj a szememt?l, holtan is áldalak... Utolsó vasárnap.