國際歌 (The Internationale)
國際歌 (The Internationale)
Pierre Degeyter
國際歌 (The Internationale)
Pierre Degeyter
Pierre Degeyter
The Internationale Words by Eugene Pottier (1871) Music by Pierre Degeyter (1888) Piano Arrangement by Jerry Engelbach (2001) Degeyter s original piano arrangement of The Internationale (if indeed it was by him) is harmonically tame, so I wrote this one for myself. I wanted to avoid the stodginess of other versions but keep a 19th-century classical feeling. Recordings on the Web tend to be didactic (a sin in a song about revolution) or (shudder) pseudo-folky. The best singing I have heard has been by Marxist groups at street rallies. You don’t see too many of these in the United States. The two versions in this file are in A Major and Bb Major. The chord symbols are the basic harmony and do not reflect all the changes in the arrangement. The lyrics I use are but one of many different versions available online. The more people who know, sing, and play The Internationale, the better. My arrangement is not under copyright and may be freely distributed. This PDF file, my original Finale files, and MIDI files of the Bb Major piano version and my orchestral arrangement are all available free of charge at http://www.music.jerryengelbach.com/internationale0.html. You may link to this page, reprint the files, post them on a Web site, or perform them at Carnegie Hall. Being subject to ordinary human vanity, all I ask that you give me fair credit for the work. YFTR, Jerry Engelbach 129 Fort Greene Place - Brooklyn, NY 11217 - 718-694-0822 music@jerryengelbach.com - www.music.jerryengelbach.com SOFTWARE: Finale 2002b COMPUTER: Macintosh G4 MIDI INPUT: Fatar SL-880 controller keyboard MIDI OUTPUT: Korg 3500 electric piano