The Internationale
The Internationale
Pierre Degeyter
The Internationale
Pierre Degeyter
Pierre Degeyter
"The Internationale"is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been one of the most recognizable and popular songs of the socialist movement since the late 19th century, when the Second International (now the Socialist International) adopted it as its official anthem. The original French refrain of the song is Cest la lutte finale / Groupons-nous et demain / LInternationale / Sera le genre humain. (English: "This is the final struggle / Let us group together and tomorrow / The Internationale / Will be the human race.") "The Internationale" has been translated into many languages. It is often sung with the left hand raised in a clenched fist salute and is sometimes followed (in English-speaking places) with a chant of "The workers united will never be defeated". "The Internationale" has been celebrated by socialists, communists, and anarchists. "The Internationale" is well known by people and if you like it, you can also download the free The Internationale sheet music to play with Everyone Piano. Just Enjoy It!